The COVID-19 vaccination campaign brings hope for our children to attend classes and be reunited with their classmates physically. This comes amidst a prolonged period of school closures, which disrupted our children’s education. The closure also affected children’s social-emotional development and well-being, by impeding them from interacting and playing with their friends.

Ms Thasya, Principal of Kinderland Bandung, leading the teachers for the vaccination exercise.

Ms Vita, Nursery teacher of Kinderland Bandung, receiving her vaccination.
Such woes will come to an end through the mass vaccination and school reopening. Indonesian President, Pak Joko Widodo has announced that the government is aiming to vaccinate 5 million teachers and education staffs by June 2021. In tandem, Minister of Education and Culture, Pak Nadiem Makarim, announced that all schools can reopen for the new school year in July 2021.

Ms Ayu, a Jakarta teacher of Kinderland Pulo Mas, completing her COVID-19 vaccination

Ms Dyah, a Jakarta teacher in-charge of the nursery level in Kinderland Sunrise, being certified for completing her Covid-19 vaccination
In line with the government’s efforts, the first batch of Kinderland Preschool @ Indonesia teachers and staff have received their first COVID-19 vaccination shot. By June, all teaching staff will be vaccinated to ensure that our school is safe and ready to receive our Kinderland children back for face-to-face classes.

Teachers of Kinderland Medan receiving a school wide vaccination in the campus of the Singapore International School
Kinderland optimistically looks forward to the school reopening by July 2021. Our schools will also thoroughly sanitise its premises and follow all safety protocols set by the government.
Kinderland Preschool @ Indonesia hopes to welcome the children back to school this new school year 2021/2022!