Teaching entrepreneurship to children involves fostering a mindset of creativity, resilience and problem-solving. Children are encouraged to identify needs, develop business ideas, and learn about basic financial literacy.
It all began with a story about buying things at a store. Children in Kinderland Preschool @ Kuningan read, learned, and discussed concepts on buying and selling. They then pretended to operate a store in their dramatic play corner. Some children took the role of business owners and others as customers. During this purposeful play, children learnt problem solving skills, practiced handling play-money, counting, adding, and subtracting. They also gained knowledge of “selling”, “buying”, “profit” and “loss”.
Through KinderCafé, children experienced the concept of risk, reward, and the value of hard work. They designed their café menus, decide the price of their food and distributed their responsibilities. Children took orders at the café, some prepared the food, while others settled bills at the cashier.
At the end of KinderCafé, children shared about their own experiences and discussed about what they learnt and the challenges they faced. They embraced both success and failure, and realized that setbacks are learning opportunities that encourage perseverance. Thereby developing confidence, positive attitudes and resilience towards believing in themselves and their ability to achieve their goals. Every child enjoyed the profits by going on a shopping trip to the mall as well as each child received a certificate for being a successful entrepreneur.

“I am a happy little server!”

Parents chilling happily at KinderCafé.

Children reading and discussing about the business-themed storybook.

Children taking orders from customers.

Children preparing food for the orders.

Child serving food to customers.