At Kinderland @ Kuningan, we nurture a connection to the environment by teaching children the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. From the start of their learning journey, children engage in hands-on activities that instill a sense of responsibility and empathy towards the environment.

Reduce: Children learn simple, effective ways to minimize waste and save energy, such as turning off taps while soaping and switching off lights when leaving a room. These actions become habits that contribute to a sustainable lifestyle.

Reuse: Creativity meets sustainability in our classrooms, where our children learn to repurpose waste materials to create art projects. These artworks, made from recycled waste, decorate various spaces in the centre and demonstrate the value of reusing resources.

Utilising used newspaper and magazine to create Art projects

Home garden decorations created with used
food packaging containers.

Recycle: K2 children act as recycling ambassadors, encouraging their peers and families to segregate waste. With recycling bins outside their classroom, they lead by example, promoting responsible waste disposal.

In Term 4, K2 students showcased their knowledge at a Science Project Fair, presenting projects like “Planting More Trees to Reduce Soil Erosion” and “Tie-Dyeing Old T-Shirts to Create New Fashion.” These projects highlight their understanding of environmental issues and their ability to apply this knowledge creatively.

Through these immersive experiences, Kinderland ensures our children develop a deep appreciation for the environment and the skills to protect it, shaping the next generation of environmentally conscious individuals.

K2 children presenting their environmental projects to parents.

Children explaining how they tie-dye used t-shirt to reduce waste.