This summer our students embarked on thrilling adventures exploring the mysteries of rainforest, vastness of space and wonders of the ocean for three exciting weeks (10th June-28th June).

Rainforest week:  Discovering jungle mysteries

Our children discovered the mysteries of rainforest that is a home to an abundance of plant and animal species.  During the week, they engaged in activities such as exploring sensory bins that helped our Playgroup toddlers understand different textures, colors and animals. In addition, during our Music and Movement activity our Pre-Nursery children moved and grooved as they danced to the ‘leaf song’. And last but not the least, our much-awaited field trip to Ragunan Zoo wherein our little adventurers saw animals such as gorillas and orangutans making it a fun-filled learning experience.

Sensory Bins

Visit to Ragunan Zoo

Space Week: A Journey to the stars

During Week Two, our little astronauts ventured into the unknown by exploring the universe through exciting space activities, while having a blast along the way. They played games such as ‘Jump Up High to the Sky’ that developed their gross motor skills by reaching, stretching and jumping. Furthermore, teaching our students about the solar system and planets ignited their curiosity about how the solar system works. Finally, a visit to Sky World – Taman Mini enhanced their knowledge about basic astronomy.

Explaining about planets

Jump up high in the sky

Visit to Sky World

Ocean week:  Diving into the blue sea

Finally, Week Three was a splash hit as our students had fun splashing around in the water and blowing bubbles.  They also learnt to catch fish steering their imagination of being fisherman as well as they crafted their own fish showcasing the marine life they learned during the week.

Splish splash

Let’s Fish

These delightful experiences and adventures sparked their curiosity and love for learning while expanding their knowledge and horizon about the larger world around them. We look forward to creating more memorable experiences for our next summer camp.